Willits Unified School District ELAC & DELAC

Dear Parents,

Your child’s school is in the process to reconvene the English Learner Advisory Committee. We’ll have our DELAC right afterwards. This is your opportunity to provide us with feedback on what you believe our English Learners need to be successful in school.  

Your child’s school will hold its  English Learner Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, All families will meet at the Brookside Elementary School, room 22 at 8:30am. Coffee and pastries will be served.  

If you are interested in attending this meeting, please fill out the section below and send it back to school with your child.

If you have questions, please call Arora Chavez at 707-459-4801

 or at  arorachavez@willitsunified.com


Arora Chavez

Executive Director of Student Programs